This year I joined the YMCA as part of my typical new year’s resolution to get in shape (actually this year it was specifically to see my abdominal muscles). As luck would have it, I met a film maker named Parthiban Shanmugam. He is a fascinating guy, who is fun to talk to and always juggling numerous projects. He recently had his film, “Mathamma The Mother Goddess,” chosen to be shown at the Smithsonian. I told him about my musical, “Turning Thirty,” and he immediately became interested. We have had numerous conversations since then about what a film based on Turning Thirty would be like. His ideas just pour out, and I’m very excited about the possibility of making a Turning Thirty film. Parthi is also interested in having me do music for one or more of his other films that are currently in progress. So I have some more irons in the fire…