Java Monkey Gig

The latest gig at Java Monkey was fantastic. Despite the colder weather, the people kept pouring in. Perhaps it was for a warming cup of coffee, or for the warming effect of alcohol, or hopefully the great music.
Ben and I played non-stop for over two hours. Some highlights for me were when people danced during two songs despite the fact that we didn’t have a drummer, and when I ran in for more beers while Ben played, came back out and joined in the song before even sitting back down. It felt like a movie moment, like when the band is able to play something perfectly when a person from the crowd comes up to sing and asks them to play some random song in D…
We had a couple of our fans show up, and hopefully made some new ones. Phyllis brought a friend all the way from Chicago, and Lee came with a posse in tow. Lee took some photos and sent them to me. Click on the picture above to see the four shots.

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