Relay for Life Nationwide Leadership Summit

I had the honor of performing at the Relay for Life Nationwide Leadership Summit on August 1st in Indianapolis. My good friend Jack Storey, a big name in Relay history (the author of the phrase “It’s about a community that takes up the fight” for example), had written a song for Relay as well as lyrics for another song. When he was asked to perform his music at the Summit, he was kind enough to recommend me to perform. So I learned the song he and his son wrote, called “Relay for Life,” and agreed to collaborate with him on his other song in progress, “Every Candle Has A Name.” The latter was an idea he had for the luminaria ceremony, and one night I took the ideas he had for the music and put the rest of the music to his words.

Then we both hopped on a plane to Indianapolis to go make some music. Jack videotaped both performances and posted my performance of ‘Relay for Life’ and ‘Every Candle Has a Name’ as one video on YouTube. The song “Relay for Life” is the first 3 and a half minutes, and “Every Candle Has a Name” is the rest.

Perhaps most exciting are the opportunities this has created. Some of the good folks at Relay have asked to discuss the possibility of creating a Relay for Life CD, where I will perform these and other songs. I’ve also been asked to perform at other events. I’m proud to be involved with such a terrific cause, and look forward to what’s to come…

0 thoughts on “Relay for Life Nationwide Leadership Summit

  1. Congratulations on both of these songs and the possibility of a Relay For Life CD! Also on the ACSCAN video!

  2. Absolutely amazing…Tom, You and Jack did an awesome job on Every Candle Has A Name!

    The Relay For Life song is great too as is the CAN Bus video and song! Can’t wait to sign the bus!

    I wish you success with the Relay For Life CD and all the other Events…Like I said a couple months ago you are ACS’ hidden little secret…but not anymore! DREAM BIG!

    You Rock~Coast to Coast!


  3. You brought tears to my eyes with every candle has a name, very touching. The relay For Life somg was amazing as well. Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us! cann’t wait for the CD is it done yet????? you know how impatient we are out west. Al and Donna

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