“Turning Thirty, The Musical” is my musical “dramedy” that explores what happens when a young couple debating starting a family is suddenly faced with a diagnosis of cancer. It’s based on my own true story, and I’m hoping you will help me take this story to a larger audience. I am raising money to do a workshop and showcase performance of “Turning Thirty, The Musical” in order to fine tune the show, present it to the professional theater community, and ultimately have someone do a professional run of the show.
Click here to visit my Kickstarter page for more info and to support the show
The Story Behind The Show
Like many of us or those we know, my life has been changed by cancer. Right after turning 30, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. My wife and I had been struggling with the decision to start a family when suddenly the debate took on a new urgency. After two operations, we thought our ordeal was over, but six months later, the cancer returned. I had another major operation and many rounds of chemotherapy. Aggressively trying to beat the disease, we also struggled to bring a new life into the world. During this difficult time, I wrote seventeen songs about the experience and turned it into a musical.
In 2008, I presented the debut performance of the show as a staged reading, and it continues to grow with enthusiastic audiences and additional shows. With the help of many talented and generous people, we’ve put on four shows so far that have raised thousands of dollars in the fight against cancer. We have done staged readings and concerts.
If you’ve been touched by cancer in some way – a friend, a loved one, or perhaps you’re a survivor yourself – I hope you’ll consider supporting this show. There are many wonderful rewards, including CDs and DVDs of the debut performance, a special way to honor a loved one who has battled cancer, tickets to the showcase performance, and more.
Please help me share this story with a larger audience!
Also, please help spread the word by sharing on Facebook, Twitter, etc., and contacting friends who might be interested in supporting the show. Thank you so much!
0 thoughts on “Support “Turning Thirty” – a musical about surviving cancer”
Having seen the debut I have to say it was a life changing experience for me!!
It is an honor to be able to support you in this venture!!
I wish you much success with it!!
To anyone reading this he lived it, survived it, made a difference & deserves to be supported…give up a latte, a coke or whatever!!
Thanks for sharing your story and changing our lives for the better!!
`the Moore's
Thanks Terry!